A segment on this morning’s Ö1 Morgenjournal (Austria’s “Today on Radio 4” equivalent) mentioned that a new study by a Berlin-based researcher has highlighted and increase in British citizens moving to the EU since the 2016 referendum. It mentioned some statistics – for Austria the pre-referendum naturalisations by Britons could be counted on the fingers or one or possibly two hands.
However, in 2018, the figure rose to 44. For 2019, according to Statistik Austria, the figure was 96. The figures for 2019 are available at https://www.statistik.at/wcm/idc/idcplg?IdcService=GET_PDF_FILE&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName=024814.
It will be interesting to see how the statistics for 2020 and 2021 develop, with particular interest on the effect of the new §58c StbG provision that enters into force on 01.09.2020, which will allow Austrians who fled the Nazi regime to the UK, as well as their descendents up to two generations removed to take up their citizenship without having to revoke their British citizenship.
Interesting short feature on Ö1 but in the comparison between Austria and Germany they do not mention that dual citizenship is possible in Germany.
‘as well as their descendents up to two generations removed to take up their citizenship without having to revoke their British citizenship.’ there is nothing about it only covering 2 generations, only that they must be a direct descendant. Case in point, my daughter is the great granddaughter (persecuted ancestor – my father – me – my daughter) of someone who was persecuted.