After a lengthy application process and requests to furnish further documents and having to wait for a citizenship test appointment, my wife was recently issued with the “Bescheid der Zusicherung der Verleihung der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft“. For me, that milestone is still a long way off, if anything my immediate concern remains whether the case number (Geschäftszahl) for my application will be issued prior to any “no deal” as the spectre of the United Kingdom walking away from the negotiation table is currently looming as the latest round of negotiations on the UK leaving the EU have failed to progress as far as hoped from all sides. Continue reading “The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning”
Overcoming the Emotional Bond of Citizenship
While I was blogging in the run-up to the Referendum, and in the aftermath of the result, I had many thoughts about whether, and how quickly to start, to apply for Austrian citizenship. My emotions about whether to remain British or take citizenship swung back and forth for a long time during 2016. It was a topic I also looked at in the blog last December.
Continue reading “Overcoming the Emotional Bond of Citizenship”